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The Power of Acknowledgment in EMDR Therapy

mental health therapy self-care growth transformation forgiveness change renewal september Sep 13, 2024

As we transition into the reflective month of September, we turn our focus towards the fundamental act of acknowledgment within the context of EMDR therapy. Acknowledgment is more than just recognizing something exists; it’s about validating our experiences, emotions, and thoughts without judgment. This month, we'll explore how acknowledging our inner landscape can pave the way for profound healing and growth.

The Importance of Acknowledgment:

Often, we try to suppress or dismiss uncomfortable emotions and experiences, hoping they'll simply disappear. However, unacknowledged feelings and memories can fester, leading to anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges. EMDR therapy provides a safe and supportive space to acknowledge these hidden parts of ourselves, allowing us to process them in a healthy way.

How EMDR Fosters Acknowledgment:

EMDR's unique approach helps us acknowledge distressing experiences by:

  • Creating a Safe Space: EMDR therapy establishes a secure environment where you can explore difficult emotions and memories without fear of judgment.
  • Accessing Deeper Levels: Through bilateral stimulation (eye movements or tapping), EMDR helps access and process memories and emotions that may be stored beneath the surface.
  • Validating Your Experience: EMDR allows you to fully acknowledge and validate your experiences, fostering self-compassion and understanding.

September's Focus: What to Expect

This month, our EMDR sessions will emphasize the power of acknowledgment. We'll guide you in recognizing and honoring your emotions, thoughts, and bodily sensations, even if they’re uncomfortable. By acknowledging these aspects of yourself, you can begin to release their grip and move towards healing.

Specific Themes We May Explore:

  • Acknowledging Past Traumas: Recognizing the impact of past events on your present life.
  • Acknowledging Difficult Emotions: Validating and accepting emotions such as anger, sadness, or fear.
  • Acknowledging Physical Sensations: Tuning into your body's signals and recognizing what they're trying to tell you.
  • Acknowledging Your Strengths: Recognizing and celebrating your resilience and inner resources.

Benefits of Acknowledgment in EMDR Therapy:

  • Reduced emotional distress
  • Increased self-awareness
  • Greater emotional regulation
  • Improved self-acceptance and self-compassion
  • Enhanced ability to cope with challenges


This September, we invite you to embark on a journey of acknowledgment. By honoring your experiences, you can unlock the transformative power of EMDR therapy and move towards greater healing and wholeness.

Need Support:

If you're ready to embrace the power of acknowledgment, contact our practice today to schedule your EMDR session.

Tips for Acknowledgment:

  • Mindful Breathing: Take a few deep breaths and observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment.
  • Journaling: Write down your experiences, emotions, and bodily sensations to gain clarity and self-understanding.
  • Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, especially when facing difficult emotions.


Acknowledgment is the first step towards healing and growth. This September, let's embrace the power of acknowledgment in EMDR therapy to foster self-compassion, understanding, and lasting transformation.


Tamera J.